Here's your photo of the day! I was rummaging through some folders in my hard drive when I came across a set of old photos. This is from two years ago, during my first few attempts at toy photography.
Back then, I used to just borrow cameras since I didn't have one of my own. I have used my friends' digicam; my sister's camphone; and my sister-in-laws digital video cam which I used to take this photo.
I've been taking photos ever since. Even more so now, since I now have my own camera.
Back then, I used to just borrow cameras since I didn't have one of my own. I have used my friends' digicam; my sister's camphone; and my sister-in-laws digital video cam which I used to take this photo.
I've been taking photos ever since. Even more so now, since I now have my own camera.
There are more photos from way back that I'd like to share so do come back to check them out. Hopefully you'll see some progress with my my skills.
Take care!
Take care!