The Want / Wish List

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How To Survive a Con

Since the 9th Philippine Toycon is just days away,  I decided to put together a "Con Survival Guide" of sorts that is based on my personal experience. I've gone to few cons since I've gotten into collecting, and these have gotten me through every single one.

Tips after the jump.

Always have a list with you. I love making lists like for things I need to do and when I'm going grocery shopping. This way, I know exactly what to look for when I'm there. A big help when you are shopping on a budget. Speaking of budgets...

Set a budget. But be prepared to go over it. Make sure you have your cash ready along with some extra.  As much as possible, try to stick to your budget to avoid unnecessary purchases. But should you find that die-cast metal Voltes V you've been wanting for so long, and it would take you over your budget, then go ahead and dip into that extra wad of cash. It might be a while before you come across it again.

Make sure you factor in other expenses when making your budget like entrance fees, gas/ transportation costs, meal allowances, etc.

Haggle. Haggle, haggle, haggle. Most prices at cons aren't set in stone, so negotiate for a good price whenever possible. Just make sure that the price is acceptable for both seller and buyer. There will be times when something is already reasonable priced, so in this case it's okay not to.

Don't hunt and shop on an empty stomach. hunger will only cloud your judgement and may make you prone to buy impulsively. Make sure that you've had a full meal before you go to the con so that you'll have lots of energy for going around. Take a break if you get hungry. Most cons have food stalls in the venue. Bring a bottle of water with you. You could get thirsty and dehydrated.

Map out the venue. For safety reasons, it pays to know where the exits are, especially in case of emergencies. Also take note of where the fire extinguisher is should you see one; do not panic in case of an emergency.  Other things to look out for are the location of  food stalls, medics, and toilets.

Take a path. Don't go running off in different directions or else you'll tire yourself out. Look around and go to the first booth that catches your eye and start from there. When you're done with that, move on to the booth right next to it. Keep doing this until you reach the end.

The early bird catches the worm. Waking up early sure can be the the shits, but being early has it's perks. You get to paw all the merchandise before anybody else does so you have a bigger chance of getting everything you want. Going early also means a smaller crowd.

Having said that, come closing day, most retailers would want to unload most if not all of their remaining stocks, and these often get hugely discounted so it's also worth it to wait a bit.

Bring your own bag. I always bring a bag with me to put in everything I buy, so that the seller doesn't have to bag the item for me. Doing that lessens the amount of wasted plastic in the end.

Bring a camera. And make sure the battery is charged full, and there's ample space in your SD card.

Bring a survival kit. Aside from having my own shopping bag, I always bring a bag with me that contains some essentials like an extra shirt, a small notebook, a camera,  my list, a pen, my salbutamol inhaler, a bottle of water and hand sanitizer. Just bring what is essential to you and leave everything else behind.

Dress comfortably. You'd be doing a considerable amount of walking and standing,so wearing the right foot wear is essential. Wear clothes that are made from soft and breathable materials like cotton and jeans. Screw the spandex.

Go with friends. Wolves hunt in packs for a reason. Three sets of eyes and hands are better than one. Also, going around the venue can be boring and tedious, so having friends to do it with makes it much more enjoyable. If you don't have friends with you, make some. Smile and strike up a conversation with fellow con goers. It's always nice to have some company.

Follow the "Golden Rule".  Be nice towards fellow con goers. Treat them how you would like to be treated. Be courteous. It never killed anyone to say "excuse me" and "please".

And lastly,

Have fun. Enjoy the con! Don't stress yourself out when you don't get that prized Gundam, or if someone accidentally steps on your toes. It's supposed to be a fun experience.

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