The Want / Wish List

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Toys: Last Weekend's Haul

I went out for errands last weekend and ended up getting stranded at this mall I go to. It was raining hard and  I couldn't go home. So what did I do to pass the time? I went toy hunting!  I hit my favorite toy shops that are considered "secondary markets" (something I picked up from Joint Junkie) that sell a mix of brand new and previously-owned toys, most of which have been marked down. The toys these shops I frequent sell mostly stuff from Japan, but one of them sell a lot of US action figures.

That weekend  I found several nice things, but ended up going home with these three cats.

Up until last night, I didn't have a clue as to who, or what that fat brown cat is. I bought one before Christmas last year at an ukay-ukay shop and I had no idea what it was because it had no tags or labels on it. Thankfully, the ones I got last weekend still had its tags on, so now I know that it's called Jacob Cat from Sekiguchi. Still looking up some info about him, so more about these Jacob Cat plush, and the one I got from last year, in a future post.

I also found that face/head of some white cat. It's a container of sorts that's made from hard plastic. I'm not sure of it's a bento box, but I guess it could be. It's about 3 inches high when you lay it flat on it's back, and the face serves as it's lid. Again, I don't know who this character is, as a search on Google ended up blank.

I do know it's another Japanese character. I've seen emoticons of it online, as well as other merchandise like plush toys and shirts. I actually have pin badges of this character in my pin badge stash. I'm gonna keep looking into it, so hopefully I'd find out more about it in the future. 

Yay for cat toys!

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