The Want / Wish List

Saturday, June 14, 2014

the "fakey": my first pinky:st figure

This is my very first Pinky:st. It's a bootleg I saw at a small toy store. These bootleg figures are affectionately called "Fakeys"  by some  Pinky:st collectors. Affectionately because it has gained some sort of acceptance amongst some in the community, having been used as practice pieces by some who wanted to do customwork and mods.

This Fakey is a combination of the Pinky Street character Risa (head and hair) with the body of Pinky Cos Asuka. The accessories are also from the Pinky cos Eva Pack that the body suit came from. The pin badge is from Risa's pack.

I got it for Php 80.00 pesos, but I've since learned  that you they're much cheaper in Divisoria. That's where I got my other 3 Fakeys. Those three are still with me, but this one isn't any longer. I gave it away.

And that's it. My very first is a Fakey..

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