The Want / Wish List

Sunday, March 29, 2009

MegaHouse Dagashi Set

I love a good bargain which is why I'm always at 2nd hand toy stores and always on the look-out for sales. I would spend hours going through boxes, bins and racks just to find something in particular, and also spend hours browsing through online market websites like ebay.

I learned about this local online market called I can't recall how, but it was before they made their TVC that starred Alessandra De Rossi. Anyway, I was browsing through the site, looking for toys, books and comic books when I came across the listing for this toy set-- an opened box of dagashi miniatures from MegaHouse. MegaHouse is a Japanese toy company that has a big range of toys it manufactures.

It really was a bargain at 75 pesos! I hit the "buy it now" button immediately. Shipping fee was very minimal.

Dagashi is a Japanese shop that sells all sorts of sweets like chocolates, candies and snacks, at a very low and affordable price. These stores also sold cheap toys like tops, marbles, playing cards, etc. and were very popular back in the day. According to, up until the 60's and 70's, every town in Japan had one. You can read more about dagashi here.

I bought this just so I could use it as a subject for photography. But I have since parted with it after I took these pictures. I gave them to my niece  as a going away present.

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